Checklist of the marine algae on the offshore oil platforms of Louisiana

Bert, T. M. and H. J. Humm


From the Abstract: “A survey was conducted over a period of a year for the marine algae present on eight oil production platforms located in the offshore waters of Louisiana. A total of 120 species was recorded, bringing the total known for Louisiana to 180. Of the 120 species collected 18% are Cyanophyta, 31070 Rhodophyta, 16% Phaeophyta, and 35070 Chlorophyta. Two floristic provinces were noted with regard to algal occurrences on these platforms: a coastal province characterized by shallow water of reduced salinity with fewer species especially of browns and reds, and an offshore province characterized by deeper, clearer water and a large number of species especially of browns and reds.”



Book/Report Title: 

The Offshore Ecology Investigations: Effects of Oil Drilling and Production in a Coastal Environment


Rice University Studies
