Annotated bibliography: fisheries species and oil/gas platforms, offshore California

Allen, M. J., R. K. Cowen, L. A. de Wit, and M. S. Love


From the Abstract: “The document (MMS OCS Study 86-0092) is essentially an appendix to two other MMS reports, the Ecology of Important Fisheries Species Offshore California (MMS OCS Study 86-0093) and the Ecology of Oil/Gas Platforms Offshore California (MMS OCS Study MMS 86-0094). The document consists of more than 950 annotated citations of the biology and fisheries of 32 fish and invertebrate species of commercial and recreational importance in the marine waters of California. In the hard- copies provided to MMS, the citations are arranged alphabetically by the senior authors last names. The bibliography has also been provided on floppy disks for use with the Sci- Mate Software System (produced and registered by the Institute for Scientific Information) on IBM-PC compatible computers. In this format and using the Sci-Mate Manager, the bibliography can be updated as desired, and searched, sorted and retrieved by author, date, species names, and various key words.”




MBC Applied Environmental Sciences. OCS Study MMS 86-0092.


Most of the documents cited in this publication are not related to oil and gas platforms.
