Water column monitoring 2012 Troll C platform

Pampanin, D. M. and 11 co-authors


From the Conclusions: “Sea current measurements and hydrocarbon exposure measures in the caged mussels indicated that the station design of the investigation captured the produced water plume from the Troll C platform. Mussels from stations located 500 m from the Troll C platform showed significantly higher concentrations of PAH and NPD concentrations than all other mussel groups, indicating a bioaccumulation of these compounds probably due to the PW discharge. All stations at further distance from the platform showed background levels of PAH and NPD. No biological effect responses were recorded in mussels caged around the platform at biochemical and physiological level. Histopathological analysis of mussel digestive gland indicated



Book/Report Title: 

Final Report. International Research Institute of Stavanger and Norwegian Institute for Water Research
